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Athletics at TJHS

An after-school athletics program is offered to students. This program provides students with an opportunity to participate in athletic events and compete with other junior high schools. Practices are held after school. Games are held after school with some tournaments being held on Saturdays. Typically, the school provides transportation to “away” games held outside of Turlock during the school week. Coaches will announce any exceptions including tournament transportation at the beginning of each season. Physicals are required and are provided, for a fee, at a designated clinic. A physical is needed to try out for a team. Students must be covered by medical insurance. Students who are not insured can obtain insurance information at the school office. Any student returning from an event with a parent must obtain prior written permission from the parent and a school administrator.

Check with Physical Education instructors regarding other sports, which may be added to the above-mentioned list. All students must maintain a 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) with no more than 1 F or no more than one (1) "U" and must abide by the terms of the Turlock Junior High School Sports Contract to participate in after-school athletics.    Students listed on the TJHS restriction list are ineligible. Coaches will verify student eligibility through student services or ask teachers to provide current grades during the "season". 

Athletic Forms

Athletic Director

Fall Sports

Girls’ Volleyball A and B Teams
August – October

Soccer (co-ed)
August – October

Girls’ Basketball
October - December

Winter Sports

Boys’ Basketball A and B teams
November – February

January – March

Spring Sports

Girls’ Softball
February – March

Track and Field
March – May